May Festival 2022
Last updated: 7 May 2022
Do you know her?
This is the question we are posing to the UTokyo community, at the occasion of the University of Tokyo's 95th May Festival, held on 14-15 May this year.
We hope that those who hesitate to express their opinions about gender equality will feel free to come and visit our stall, located near the Yasuda Auditorium, for a casual chat. If you can't make it in person, you can also enjoy a virtual exhibit of our stall below, which will be updated as the festival draws closer.
Our theme and exhibit space has two purposes: (i) to provide an interactive space for female students and researchers to express their experiences and aspirations, and (ii) to draw attention to past female researchers at UTokyo who have not always received the limelight. The question "Do you know her?" also means "Have you seen UTokyo through her eyes?". In this regard, we welcome both men and women to reflect on how much they understand about specific challenges and experiences faced by their female colleagues, and to share their own perspectives on gender and diversity, including on topics beyond our theme.
You can visit our page on the website (onsite) of the 95th May Festival to find out more.
The online project can be viewed below.
