Gender equality at UTokyo
A one-stop overview.
Master's Statistics
Last updated: 10 November 2020
This page shows the female - male ratio in each graduate school at UTokyo, among Master's students. The data is also disaggregated into domestic students and international students. Values represent the ratio among the given community of students. The following symbols are used to represent domestic students and international students:
The data is from The University of Tokyo Databook 2020 (the most comprehensive yearly publication on institutional data at UTokyo), released in September 2020.
Unless otherwise mentioned, the data shows values on 1 May 2020.
Logos used on this page to represent domestic students and international students.
Data by graduate school:
(Data in percentage. Values on 1 May 2020. Data from: The University of Tokyo Databook 2020.)
Note: the abbreviations are as follows.
Hu. & Soc./人文社会系 = Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology/人文社会系研究科
Educ./教育学 = Graduate School of Education/教育学研究科
Law & Pol/法学政治学 = Graduate Schools for Law and Politics/法学政治学研究科
Econ./経済学 = Graduate School of Economics/経済学研究科
Arts & Sci./総合文化 = Graduate School of Arts and Sciences/総合文化研究科
Sci./理学系 = Graduate School of Science/理学系研究科
Eng./工学系 = Graduate School of Engineering/工学系研究科
Agri./農学生命科学 = Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences/農学生命科学研究科
Med./医学系 = Graduate School of Medicine/医学系研究科
Pharma./楽学系 = Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences/楽学系研究科
Math. Sci./数理科学 = Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences/数理科学研究科
Frt. Sci./新領域 = Graduate School of Frontier Sciences/新領域創成科学研究科
IST/情報理工学系 = Graduate School of Information Science and Technology/情報理工学系研究科
IIS/学際情報学府 = Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies/学際情報学府
(Note: professional students and research students are not included in the above figures.)
(Data in percentage. Values on 1 May 2020. Data from: The University of Tokyo Databook 2020.)
(Data in percentage. Values on 1 May 2020. Data from: The University of Tokyo Databook 2020.)
(Data in percentage. Values on 1 May 2020. Data from: The University of Tokyo Databook 2020.)
Changes in average (all Master's students) over time:
(Data in percentage. Values on 1 May 2020. Data from: The University of Tokyo Databook 2020.)